28 may 2016

PeBeKa among business leaders

Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Kopalń PeBeKa found itself another time in the group of Polish 200 largest companies according to the Wprost weekly. In the second edition of the ranking the Lubin-based company ranked 176th, having gone up by seven places.

As the ranking promotes Polish companies, only businesses with Polish capital were included in the list: state companies, companies belonging in full to Polish investors, or municipal companies. Sales revenue generated in 2015 was a decisive parameter for the position assigned.

With its result of PLN 613, over 9 per cent increase in the revenue during the year, and the market value of PLN 274 million, PeBeKa ranked 176th. In the first edition of the last year's Wprost weekly ranking, the company held 183rd place.